• Cover Page
• Editorial Board and Information for Authors
• Aims and Scope
• Contents
Special section
Tchoń K., Karpińska J. and Janiak M.
Approximation of Jacobian inverse kinematics
algorithms - 519
Michałek M. and Kozłowski K.
Motion planning and feedback control for a unicycle in a
way point following task: The VFO approach - 533
Michałek M., Dutkiewicz P., Kiełczewski M. and Pazderski D.
Trajectory tracking for a
mobile robot with skid-slip compensation in the vector-field-orientation control
system - 547
Mazur A. and Szakiel D.
On path following control of nonholonomic mobile
manipulators - 561
Skrzypczyński P.
Simultaneous localization and mapping: A feature-based probabilistic
approach - 575
Regular section
Sakthivel R.
Controllability of nonlinear impulsive Ito type stochastic systems - 589
Kowalewski A.
Time-optimal control of infinite order hyperbolic systems with time
delays - 597
Tokarzewski J.
Zeros in linear systems with time delay in state - 609
Qi R. and BrdysM.A.
Indirect adaptive controller based on a self-structuring fuzzy system
for nonlinearmodeling and control - 619
Dong R., Tan Q. and Tan Y.
Recursive identification algorithm for dynamic systems with
output backlash and its convergence - 631
Zhai G., Okuno S., Imae J. and Kobayashi T.
A matrix inequality based design method
for consensus problems in multi-agent systems - 639
Czerwiński R. and Kania D.
Synthesis of finite state machines for CPLDs - 647
Kłosiński R.
The steady-state impedance operator of a linear periodically time-varying oneport
network and its determination - 661
Błażewicz J., Formanowicz P. and Wojciechowski P.
Some remarks on evaluating the
quality of the multiple sequence alignment based on the BAliBASE benchmark -
Gocławski J., Sekulska-Nalewajko J., Gajewska E. and WielanekM.
An automatic segmentation
method for scanned images of wheat root systems with dark
discolourations - 679