Cover Page
Editorial Board and Information for Authors
Aims and Scope
Special section
Ławryńczuk M. and Tatjewski P..
Nonlinear predictive control based on neural multi-models .................................................7
Patan K.
Local stability conditions for discrete-time cascade locally recurrent neural networks.............................................23
Nalepa G.J. and Ligęza A. The HeKatE methodology. Hybrid engineering of intelligent systems...............................................35
Nowicki R.K. On classification with missing data using rough-neuro-fuzzy systems .............................................................55
Belter D. and Skrzypczyński P. A biologically inspired approach to feasible gait learning for a hexapod robot............................69
Regular section
Kaczorek T. and Rogowski K. Positivity and stabilization of fractional 2D linear systems described by the
Roesser model.........85
Nowak Ł.D., Pasławska-Południak M. and Twardowska K. On the convergence of the wavelet-Galerkin
method for nonlinear filtering ........................................................................................................................................................................93
Collignon T.P. and van Gijzen M.B. Two implementations of the preconditioned conjugate gradient method
on heterogeneous computing grids ..........................................................................................................................................................109
Kulczycki P. and CharytanowiczM. A complete gradient clustering algorithm formed with kernel estimators .........................123
Świercz E. Classification in the Gabor time-frequency domain of non-stationary signals embedded in heavy
noise with unknown statistical distribution.....................................................................................................................................................135
Śmietański J., Tadeusiewicz R. and Łuczyńska E. Texture analysis in perfusion images of prostate cancer—
A case study......149
Troć M. and Unold O. Self-adaptation of parameters in a learning classifier system ensemble machine ..................................157
Ploix S., Yassine A.A. and Flaus J.-M. A new efficient and flexible algorithm for the design of testable
Mrozek I. Analysis of multibackground memory testing techniques ...................................................................................191
Walkowiak K. Anycasting in connection-oriented computer networks: Models, algorithms and results ..................................207