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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "The most important parameters for the development of the Tree Sparrow population in the study are as follow\: Egg laying started from mid\-April, exceptionally in early April, with the 02.04.2013 as earliest date\; analysis of the first\-egg laying date showed a significant difference between years\; clutch size varied between 2 and 8 eggs, and was most often 4\-6\; mean clutch size was 5.0\; breeding success was 73.0%\; overall, 393 broods could be monitored completely, with a total of 1,973 eggs and 1,518 nestlings \(76.9%\). 1,215 fledglings left the nest, corresponding to 61.6% of all eggs laid and 80.0% of all nestlings."]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
Inter. Studies of Sparrows

Ciebiera, Olaf Gajda, Krzysztof Stamm, Arkadiusz Szczepaniak, Katarzyna Cieniuch, Paweł Zajdel, Monika Czechowski, Paweł


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