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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = "In the final, they undertake a journey on a church fair in their parish in Gliniany, and consequently everyone get s onto the train\: those who live as well as those who have already died. During the journey, the main character named Grandson sees deceased people, who exist only in his subconsciousness. The ghost train becomes a kind of infinity. \"Twelve Stations\" were staged in Jan Kochanowski's Theatre in Opole by Mikołaj Grabowski, which created the opportunity to compare the original text of the poem with its stage adaptation."]

Wyników: 1

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Andrzejak-Nowara, Małgorzata Paluch, Aleksandra Szott, Mirosława (1987 -) - red. Gieba, Kamila (1984 -) - red. Łastowiecki, Janusz - red.

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