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Szukana fraza: [Abstract = The theme of this article is \"Unless\", a crime story by Boris Akunin, which takes place in 2004, andwhose protagonists, Misha, is a Russian living in the USA. The investigation of his suicide, whichhe commits in New York's Greenwood Cemetery, leads to a mysterious femme fatale. The analysisof Akunin\?s essays collected in Cemetery stories, makes it possible to think that the femme fatale isthe notorious Lola Montez, who lived in the 19th century.]

Wyników: 1

obiektów na stronie
Scripta Humana, 5

Prażuch, Karolina Radziszewski, Stefan Kulczycka, Dorota - red. nauk. Ruszczyńska, Marta - red. Brylla, Wolfgang J. - red. Gazdecka, Elżbieta - red.

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