@misc{Topolska-Piechowiak_Maria_Barbara_Przemiany, author={Topolska-Piechowiak, Maria Barbara}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In a series of 15 lectures which are aiming for synthesis vital socio-cultural processes from shared and separate histories of Lithuanians, Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles are introduced (XV-XX century). It is a voice in a debate concerning the state of research of civilization transformations caused by the West and hard-to-depict transformations of ethnic ideas.}, abstract={The book is a tribute to all those researchers who, despite limitations, try to present the topic objectively. As a result of influx of Western civilization currents onto local ground a new multinational and multi-religious community was formed. Its features and its durability presented themselves during the clash of cultures after the Russian invasion in the mid-17th century, especially in forms of Polishness evidenced during the partitions. Not always was the intention of leading the lectures up till August the 17th 1939 achieved and the storing of common tradition by the pro-independence exile after WWII is only being noted.}, title={Przemiany zachodnioeuropejskiego pogranicza kulturowego pomiędzy Bugiem a Dźwiną i Dnieprem: (polsko-litewsko-białorusko-ukraińskie losy od XV do początku XX wieku) : kurs 14 wykładów}, type={książka}, keywords={Tatarzy, Żydzi, Litwa, Ukraina, kościół, społeczeństwo, szkolnictwo, sztuka, architektura, Kresy, religia, Białoruś, 15-20 w., II (druga) Rzeczpospolita, Karaimi, Ormianie, I (pierwsza) Rzeczypospolita, Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie}, }