@misc{Chmielewska-Banaszak_Danuta_O, author={Chmielewska-Banaszak, Danuta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Warszawa: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={My paper is devoted to scientific passion and its connections with scientific effectiveness. Following some preliminary considerations concerning a context of my paper. I come to description of mechanisms determining a level of engagement into scientific activities.}, abstract={Next part of the paper is concerned with environmental determinants of engagements into scientific work. In contemporary attitude toward creativity (including scientific one) a notion of passion is used seldom, if at all. It's connected with motives and emotions in creative process, and its research isn't dominant in present-day psychology. So, one of the aim of my paper is to try to incorporate the notion of passion into the perspective of up-to-date approach to scientific creativity.}, title={O pasji naukowej i pożytkach z niej płynących}, type={artykuł}, keywords={naukoznawstwo, psychologia twórczości}, }