@misc{Czakowski_Dariusz_Cereal, author={Czakowski, Dariusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The purpose of this publication is to show some changes in supply and demand correlations on the cereal market after Poland?s accession into the European Union. To meet the above objective there were compared some data concerning the volume of domestic cereal production and its cereal species structure, foreign trade balance, domestic consumption and purchase price levels. The formation of the above mentioned items was analyzed for two periods.}, abstract={The first one covered the years 1995-2003 whereas the second one was from 2004 to 2012. This allowed us to make some interesting comparisons through the prism of Poland?s accession to the EU. Additionally, long time series increased their reliability. To study supply and demand correlations, there were applied various statistical methods including dynamic indexes, trend models, analyses of correlation and various regression. A comprehensive analysis of the gathered research material allowed us to answer the question about some quantitative and qualitative changes which took place on the cereal market after Poland?s accession to the EU.}, title={Cereal Market before and after the Integration of Poland into the European Union. Dynamics of Supply and Demand Correlations = Rynek zbóż przed i po integracji Polski z Unią Europejską. Dynamika relacji popytowo-podażowych}, type={artykuł}, keywords={gospodarka żywnościowa, rynki rolne, rolnictwo, rynek zbóż, integracja europejska, food economy, agricultural markets, farming, cereal market, European integration}, }