@misc{Wasilkiewicz_Kamil_Powstanie,, author={Wasilkiewicz, Kamil}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, abstract={The Templars came to Poland in the 13th century on the initiative of the rivaling princes: Henry I the Bearded, Władysław Odonic and Barnim I. Thanks to the protection of these rulers, the order created 8 commandeties in the Pomerania, in Ziemia Lubuska, Great Poland and in Silesia.}, abstract={They were placed in Oleśnica Mała, Wielowieś, Chwarszczany, Leśnica, Czaplinka, Wałcz, Rurka and Myślibórz. Chwarszczany was the headquarters of the Polish Templars. This article shows the history of this commandery from the moment of its founding in the 1230s until the last moments of its functioning at the beginning of the 14th century.}, title={Powstanie, rozwój i upadek komandorii templariuszy w Chwarszczanach = The establishment, the development and the fall of the templar commandery in Chwarszczany}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Zakon Ubogich Rycerzy Chrystusa i Świątyni Salomona, Chwarszczany - komandoria templariuszy}, }