@misc{Jędrczak_Andrzej_Wpływ, author={Jędrczak, Andrzej and Wróbel, Ireneusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents on the basis of field and labaratory studies an evaluation of correct planning of a minerał wool wastes dump localisation and an estimation of toxicity of this wasts. During one year from the beginning of the mineral wool wastes dumping the investigations on its influence on sur face and underground waters, soils and atmospheric air were carried out. In the waters a small increase of phenol content in relation to the background level have been observed, but no in the soils.}, abstract={The toxicity of the water extracts from the mineral wool wastes were at the average5 times smaller than the taxicity of such extracts from moulding sand wastes andabout 2 times smaller than the eluate from a sanitary landfill dump. In the atmosphericair an increased content of phenol and formaldehyde was found. The one year investigations, however, are too short for working out an accurate evaluation of the influence of the wastes dump the particular components of the environment.}, title={Wpływ na środowisko składowiska odpadów z produkcji wełny mineralnej = On the influence of a mineral wool wastes dump on the environment}, type={artykuł}, keywords={wełna mineralna, ochrona środowiska, badania}, }