@misc{Wróbel_Ireneusz_Zmieniające, author={Wróbel, Ireneusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The exploitation of mineraL resources in the region of Mużakow Arch in XIX and XX century caused land destruction on large areas.The destructive processes affected:}, abstract={- plant cover and soil,}, abstract={- the primary land relief,}, abstract={- the primary water conditions, especially the surface and underground run-off.}, abstract={Two new landscape elements oppeared:}, abstract={- an anthropogenic lakeland as a consequence of formation of 39 excavation sea areas,}, abstract={- "moon-like landscapes" on the dumping area.}, abstract={Under the actually proceeded geodynamical exogenic factors on the deformed areas processes of water erosion, wind erosion and sediment accumulation accured. New, interesting landscapes have been formed. The contemporaneous morphogenetic processes are performed in 52 photogrammes by Jerzy Mendaluk.}, title={Zmieniające się krajobrazy = The changing landscapes}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Nysa Łużycka, geografia, geologia, badania}, }