@misc{Aniszewski_Andrzej_Próba, author={Aniszewski, Andrzej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents mathematical modelling of transporting both stable and passive contaminations in ground water flow taking into consideration processes of advection and adsorption. On the grounds of the earlier laboratory investigations related to contamination concentrations on the physical model and using numerical solution of the presented mathematical model the adsorption parameters k1 for the nonlineral function describingthe process were calculated.}, abstract={This was followed by determining experimental (empirical) dependence between the adsorption parameters and the parameters characterizing at the same time the aquiferous layer and the ground water flow. This dependence allows for a better prognosis evaluation of the resources of ground water flowing into ground water intakes.}, title={Próba matematycznego modelowania jakości ujmowanej wody gruntowej = A trial of mathematical modelling of the drawing ground water quality}, type={artykuł}, keywords={gospodarka wodna, badania}, }