@misc{Jańczak_Jerzy_Rekultywacja, author={Jańczak, Jerzy}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={Lake Gopło is a highly polluted body of water. The sources of the pollution are diverse. It comes from municipal and industrial waste as well as from dispersed sources. One of the main sources of biogen supply is also bed sediment, especially in the northem part of the lake near Kruszwica. To reduce this internal supply, two sets of aerators have been installed in the northem part.}, abstract={Aeration in the bay (1) is useful to the extent that it cheeks rotting and prevents further degradation. Aeration in the profundity (2), however, has negligible effects. It does limit the internal supply, but its range is small. The installation ofthis set of aerators was certainly a mistake. Such a big lake cannot be restored with the help of artificial point aeration, especially when the amount of biogens reaching the lake from the catchment is very great. By Vollenweider's criterion, the phosphorus inflow is 6-9 times higher than the dangerous level.}, abstract={To start with, the external supply should be reduced. Treatment plants should be built or modified, but this is a slow process for financial reasons. Highly problematic will be the reduction of the dispersed supply, which is largely of agricultural origin, because almost the entire big catchment of Gopło is in agricultural use. It is necessary to change the land-use pattern, especially near the lakes and its tributaries. Other measures include the planting of protective shrubby, grassy or woodland barriers, rational use of fertilisers, etc.}, abstract={After the external supply has been substantially reduced, in some regions of the lake one can try to inactivate phosphorus with the help of aluminium coagulant. The best solution for the bay would be to scoop up the topmost sediment layer. It would also improve the lake's morphometric conditions, because the bay is very shallow.}, title={Rekultywacja a ochrona jeziora Gopło = Restoration and protection of lake Goplo}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Gopło (jezioro), rekultywacja}, }