@misc{Pieńkowski_Marcin_Proces, author={Pieńkowski, Marcin and Kupiec, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper presents the stages of disappearance of a shallow eutrophic lake Świdwie, which since 1963 is a part of faunal reserve. Changes in the lake basin itself (area of an open water and reeds), as well as utilisation area of the basin with a buffer of 1,5 km from the basin shores were studied in the two hundred years period based on topographical maps and aerial photos.}, abstract={Analyses of cartographic material conducted with use of GIS programmes allowed to ascertain the influence of hydrotechnical works on decrease of the open water surface. The greatest escalation of this process was observed between 1830-1888 (construction of ditches) and in 1936-1948 (lowering of the water surface level).}, abstract={On the meliorated surfaces there was a distinctive succession of vegetation. In the northern part of the reservoir after the 2nd Word War swamp forest communities appeared, whereas reed vegetation moved upon the open water surface, resulting in its decrease from 467, l ha in 1830 to 75,9 ha in 1996.}, abstract={Likewise utilisation of the researched section of the basin underwent significant transformations. In the years 1830 fields constituted only 11,1 %, whereas after 40 years their are a increased to 54,5% (mainly at the expense of forests and wetlands areas). In the period after the war there was again decrease in the surface area of arable lands down to 18,2% as a result of afforestation of the fields and abandonment as waste lands.}, title={Proces zarastania jeziora Świdwie i zmiany w użytkowaniu jego otoczenia od początku XIX do końca XX wieku = Process of overgrowing of Świdwie lake and changes in its surroundings land use from the beginning of the 19th century until the end of the 20th century}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Świdwie (jezioro), ochrona środowiska}, }