@misc{Tonder_Jerzy_"Przestrzeń, author={Tonder, Jerzy}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={This article has attempted to display the two different conceptions concerning the aim of flood protection of the Odra valley which is situated between the Bóbr outlet and the Nysa Łużycka outlet. The first idea suggests building a new section of the flood bank and moving it further from the river whereas the second idea proposes a modernization of the existing flood bank, without any change to its localion.}, abstract={Studies and documentation, relevant until now, focus only upon the technical and economic problems of the proposed ideas. Before the relevant departments come to a final decision a broadened analysis should be made. This analysis should focus upon the costs and benefits of the schemes concerning the protected lands and grounds situated around the area. Otherwise, the watchword of Program for the Odra 2006. "There is a need to make a place for the water - there is a need to create a space which will allow its low tide to come both late and safely" ... will be only as a postulation.}, title={"Przestrzeń dla rzeki" na przykładzie rozwiązań projektowych Wężyska - Chlebowo w województwie lubuskim = Room for the river on example of project solution Wężysko - Chlebowo in lubuskie province}, type={artykuł}, keywords={2 Międzynarodowa konferencja "Ochrona i rekultywacja terenów dorzecza Odry: zagospodarowanie zlewni" (21-22.06.2001)}, }