@misc{Hałuszczak_Andrzej_Poligeneza, author={Hałuszczak, Andrzej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper describes preliminary results of structural field investigations concerning glacitectonic deformations of the Cenozoic deposits in the "Jaroszów-North" open-cast mine near Rusko village (Fore-Sudetic Block). Considering the spatial arrangement and kinematic features of studied mesostructures, it is suggested that they were related to the two separate glaciations.}, abstract={The older deformations were formed during the first glaciation of the studied area ascribed to the older Elsterian stage. These structures are representing by multiple series ofimbricated thrusts that occur mainly at the open-cast floor in the Neogene clays and coaly clays. Low-angle to gently NNE dipping thrust planes exhibit sense of displacement towards the SSW.}, abstract={The younger phase of glacitectonic deformations can be referred to the older Saalian Glaciation (Odranian). It is recorded by numerous thrusts, reverse faults, folds etc. (some of them override the earlier formed faults), that involve the Neogene-Quatemary deposits. Predominantly they display sense of displacement towards the SW.}, abstract={Most of the mentioned above deformations are interpreted as a second-order structures related to SW-verging large thrusted fold, because of a macro-scale exposed just partly in the open cast mine. More complete reconstruction of this thrusted fold (Rusko structure) was able using a number of boreholes drilled in studied area.}, abstract={Based on drill date, the Rusko structure is bounded below by the detachment surface (zone?), that lies a few meters under the open-cast tloor at a depth +150-155 m and front of this structure extends NW-SE over a distance of nearly 1 km.}, title={Poligeneza deformacji glacitektonicznych w utworach kenozoicznych kopalni Stanisław-Północ k. Ruska (blok przedsudecki) - wstępne wyniki badań = Polyphase glacitectonic deformations of the cenozoic deposits exposed in "Stanisław-North" opencast mine near Rusko (fore-sudetic block) - preliminary results}, type={artykuł}, keywords={X jubileuszowe sympozjum glacitektoniki}, }