@misc{Kozłowski_Tomasz_The, author={Kozłowski, Tomasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Results of determination of the unfrozen water function in frozen soil-water system involving analysis of the DSC signal in terms of convolution has been presented. Analysis of the obtained results suggests that the process of the ice melting in the soil-water system is not a continuous phase change.}, abstract={The existence of five separate stages of the phase change process during warming from -28°C has been indicated. Three of them, I, II and V, are characterised by quite a vanishing of the phase effects. The intensity of the phase effects during stage IV near the melting point Tr is almost two orders of magnitude grearer than in the low-temperature stage II.}, abstract={Additionally, many micro-stages without any phase changes were observed and among them, a characteristic significant stage III directly before the final melting called "the plateau".}, title={The unfrozen water content in faozen cohesive soils in the light of DSC results = Zawartość wody niezamarzniętej w zamarzniętych gruntach spoistych w świetle wyników otrzymanych przy użyciu kalorymetrii skaningowej DSC}, type={artykuł}, keywords={X jubileuszowe sympozjum glacitektoniki}, }