@misc{Markiewicz_Andrzej_Morfotektonika, author={Markiewicz, Andrzej and Winnicki, Jarosław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Trzebnica (Silesian) ridge is an important morphological element of SW part of Polish Lowland - between valleys of Nysa Łużycka and Prosna rivers. This positive form has very complicated geology of Cenozoic stage with presence of deep glacitectonic deformations.}, abstract={Complex of Permian and Mesozoic formations of foresudelie mnonocline and Żary perycline with thin-skinned structure (due to presence of Zechtein salt) makes the rigid base of there elevations. Corelation of these "rigid" negative and positive structures with zones of exaration and glacitectonic disturbances of Cenozoic sediments sic trench structures occur under glacitectonic-exaration depressions while under genetically connected zones of huge glacitectonic disturbances there is a zone of mainly inversion faulting of Upper Permian and Triassic sediments of Upper Cretaceous or younger age.}, abstract={This structural association together with specific susceptibility of salt for migration as a result of additional heat or outside stress, speaks about young activation of thin-skinned structure of south part of foresudelie monocline. Żary perycline and north Sudetic basin (with formation of gravity collapses among others z).}, abstract={This tectonic activation took place doubtlessly during the glaciafrogenie movements and in the heads of continental glaciers. Combination of such conditions and linear defrosting of permafrost, with substantial participation of water, contributed to form huge glacitectonic structures within Trzebnica Ridge and neighboring N glaci-depressions.}, title={Morfotektonika Wału Trzebnickiego (Śląskiego) = Morphotectonics of Trzebnica (Silesian) Ridge}, type={artykuł}, keywords={X jubileuszowe sympozjum glacitektoniki}, }