@misc{Bień_January_Wspomaganie, author={Bień, January and Okwiet, Tomasz and Gałwa-Widera, Monika and Worwąg, Małgorzata and Milczarek, Marcin}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={This paper attempts composting of sewage sludge in mixtures with bulking agent and green waste. The process was conducted in four experiments (one control experiment), improved by adding compost leachate. Leachate was improved by ultrasonic field with a frequency of 22 kHz and an amplitude of 12?m at the time of 5 and 15 sec.}, abstract={Compost mixtures were inoculated in 7 day of the process. The results shows that inoculation of composting leachate extends the correct phase of biomass decom-position. The final product is characterized by good physical and chemical properties, and can be used in nature.}, title={Wspomaganie procesu kompostowania kondycjonowanymi odciekami kompostowymi = Composting process power conditioning leachate compost}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kompostowanie, osady ściekowe, biomasa, sewage sludge, composting, biomass}, }