@misc{Hudak_Magda_Analiza, author={Hudak, Magda and Szmaj, Łukasz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Mining industry is undoubtedly one of the most important industries. Without the possibility of mining and mineral processing technological developments would not be possible. Salt mines at the turn of the century had a great influence on the flowering of Polish state. An excellent example may be the royal county of Cracow, which generate significant revenue income of the former Polish state.}, abstract={Wastewater flows of water are constantly infiltrating into the ground during rain or splashed with aboveground tanks. In the course of mining water inflow to the workings pose a huge threat to the stability of the excavation. Motion of the mine is threatened by the possibility of flooding sidewalks supplies.}, abstract={Therefore, for proper operation of the mine is necessary to approach the influent water and drain them out of the work. The threat of the mine water may be classified as a natural hazard that can occur in the plant extraction.}, abstract={By the water hazard in the context of the mine risk factor mean intrusion of water, brine, lye water or a mixture of loose material into the excavation operated, which poses a threat to the lives of people working there and for the operation of this plant. This article examines the threat of water in certain salt mines.}, title={Analiza porównawcza zagrożenia wodnego w wybranych kopalniach soli = Comparative analysis of water hazards in selected salt mines}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zagrożenie wodne, kopalnie soli, threat to water, salt mines}, }