@misc{Jarnuszewski_Grzegorz_Właściwości, author={Jarnuszewski, Grzegorz and Meller, Edward}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={Shallow post-bog soils on lacustrine chalk are characterised by a specific texture connected with their two-stage genesis. Ongoing muck-formation process affects physicochemical and chemical properties of surface horizon of organogenic soils. The material on which the soils developed is of great importance as well as their use and moisture.}, abstract={Chemical composition of groundwater varies and is often related to agricultural use of the area within the catchment area. Soil-ground waters of the catchment area under agricultural use differ in the degree of contamination, the content of nitrogen and its forms and macro-and micro-elements.}, title={Właściwości płytkich gleb pobagiennych na kredzie jeziornej oraz ocena składu chemicznego wód gruntowych = Properties of post-bog soils developed on lacustrine chalk and rate ground soil water properties}, type={artykuł}, keywords={gleby pobagienne, kreda jeziorna, wody gruntowo-glebowe, właściwości chemiczne gleb, post-bog soils, ground-soil waters, lacustrine chalk, soil chemicalproperties}, }