@misc{Hulisz_Piotr_Wpływ, author={Hulisz, Piotr and Cyzman, Wiesław}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper aimed at analysing the influence of salt drilling operation on soil properties and the state of health of trees. The study was conducted in the area of the salt mine in Góra near Inowrocław (north-central Poland). Due to the impact of aerosols, the high salt accummulation in soils in the 50 m zone around the drilling site was stated.}, abstract={However, the ECe values, showed no relation with the distance from that site. It could suggest seasonal influence of shallow saline ground water. The salt drilling operation contributed to the deterioration of the health condition of trees in the immediate vicinity of the borehole.}, abstract={Most trees were characterized by loss of assimilation apparatus from 26% to as much as over 60% (degree of damage to the medium and strong). The content of Na and Cl in the leaves and twigs of trees growing nearest the drilling site was several times higher than recorded in the reference area.}, title={Wpływ prac wiertniczych na właściwości gleb oraz stan zdrowotny drzew w rejonie Kopalni Soli "Solino" S.A. w Górze k. Inowrocławia = Influence of salt drilling operation on soil properties and the state of health of trees in the area of the Salt Mine "Solino" SA in Góra near Inowrocław}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zasolenie gleb, NaCl, stres solny, wysad solny, górnictwo soli, soil salinity, salt stress, salt dome, salt mining}, }