@misc{Jakubus_Monika_Czy, author={Jakubus, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The term Effective Microorganisms (EMTM) refers to a microbial preparation promoting plant growth and health as well as improving soil fertility. In the study the effect of AEMTM preparation (applied at a rate corresponding to 100 L per hectare) in combination with different organic substances (wheat straw, manure, sewage sludge, compost) on soil fertility and liberation of available nutrients was investigated in a 9-month incubation process.}, abstract={The soil samples were collected at the beginning and atthe end of the incubation process. In the sampled soil material both main physicochemical properties and amounts of nutrients available for plants were analysed. On the basis of the results a positive role of the AEMTM preparation may hardly be demonstrated, because its effect on most analysed properties was very weak and often could not be proven statistically.}, abstract={The interaction of experimental factors (incubation time and used organic substance) had a significant effect on quantitative changes in investigated nutrients. A special role of applied organic materials in the formation of available nutrients needs to be stressed, which was evident in the case of manure and compost.}, title={Czy efektywne miroorganizmy (EMTM) efektywnie podnoszą żyzność gleb? = Are effective microorganisms (EMTM) effective in enhancement of soil fertility?}, type={artykuł}, keywords={efektywne mikroorganizmy, rozkład, substancje organiczne, właściwości glebowe, przyswajalne składniki, effective microorganisms, decomposition, organic substances, soil properties, available nutrients}, }