@misc{Jakubaszek_Anita_Wpływ, author={Jakubaszek, Anita and Lechów, Hanna and Mazurek, Monika}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The article presents the results of the microbiological quality of spring water stored in individual containers in-ness depend on the storage conditions (temperature and exposure to light). We analyzed the natural spring water one manufacturer stored in plastic bottles and PET threelayer metallic foil packaging with a metering valve made of PE. Based on the obtained results demonstrated after 10 weeks of a packaging unit oversize values of microbiological disqualifying water as drinkable.}, title={Wpływ warunków przechowywania wody źródlanej w opakowaniach jednostkowych na jej jakość = Influence of storage conditions on the quality spring water in prepackages}, type={artykuł}, keywords={spring water, water packs, water storage conditions, changes in the quality of spring water, microbiological contamination of water, woda źródlana, woda w opakowaniach jednostkowych, warunki przechowywania wody, mikrobiologiczne zanieczyszczenie wody}, }