@misc{Cuske_Mateusz_Wpływ, author={Cuske, Mateusz and Karczewska, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The article presents a critical review of literature focused on the influence of organic matter on the changes in solubility of heavy metals in contaminated soils. Various kinds of organic matter are commonly used in remediation processes in order to increase soil sorption capacity and to immobilize heavy metals.}, abstract={Several papers reported, however, unwished-for effects of those measures, that involved an increase in the solubility of metals caused by application of organic amendments, including brown coal (lignite), organic fertilizers, sewage sludge, composts, and biochar. This review focuses particularly on such effects. Additionally, the hazards associated with formation and decomposition of forest litter in degraded areas after their forestation, have also been discussed.}, title={Wpływ materii organicznej na zmiany rozpuszczalności metali ciężkich w glebach zanieczyszczonych w świetle literatury = Influence of organic matter on the solubility of heavy metals in contaminated soils - a review of literature}, type={artykuł}, keywords={miedź, mobilizacja, immobilizacja, węgiel brunatny, nawóz organiczny, osady organiczne, komposty, biowęgiel, ściółka, rozpuszczalny węgiel organiczny, copper, mobilization, immobilization, brown coal (lignite), organic fertilizer, sewage sludge, composts, biochar, forest litter, dissolved organic carbon}, }