@misc{Plichta_Artur_Opracowanie, author={Plichta, Artur and Wyczałek, Michał and Wyczałek, Ireneusz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper attempts to develop a new way of verifying and updating data collected in Land and Property Databases, containing information on land and buildings. The report examines currently existing law regulating for the collection of registration of data, mainly in their geometrical aspect, proposes possible ways of validating these data and enriches with some new elements based on UAS technology.}, abstract={By supplementing the databases with new Land and Property objects the study was prepared, taking into account some new legislative provisions related to the principles and scope of the collected data in the Land and Property's resources. The basic problem with the use of photogrammetry from the UAV level for measuring the location and shape of considered objects is ensuring the proper accuracy.}, abstract={The compliance of accuracy condition and the visibility of the objects makes it possible to significantly supplement the registration data databases with some new elements such as terraces, verandas, stairs, etc. The paper discusses these issues and presents the results performed on real objects, together with their accuracy rating.}, abstract={It has been found that images made from low altitude can be used to measure new object classes, update land and buildings database, and also, to a limited extent, validate Land and Property Databases for another, from the upvisible objects.}, title={Opracowanie części graficznej ewidencji gruntów i budynków w oparciu o zdjęcia lotnicze z pokładu UAV = Graphical part of land and buildings registry based on aerial photos from the board of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ewidencja gruntów i budynków, UAV, fotogrametria, Land and Property Register, photogrammetry}, }