@misc{Kouli_Yaman_Economic, author={Kouli, Yaman}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Relocation of industrial plants, which were significant for the production of armaments during the war, is a subject of economic history of Germany that received little research coverage so far. After the war claims would often arise that most of the plants were moved to the east of the Reich, mostly to the terrains of Lower Silesia, to protect them from the air raids. That interpretation is partially true, but it is also incomplete.}, abstract={Given the fact that there is a lack of studies which would cover this subject, the number of publications related to it is very small. During WWII, in 1943 and 1944, many plants were moved to the different regions of the German Reich. Among them, 373 were moved to the terrains of Lower Silesia. Most of the enterprises were moved in 1943. The participation of this region in the dislocation of all the factories was about 7 percent. The whole of the so-called ?Recovered territories? received about 14% of all the industrial plants that were being transferred.}, abstract={Many more plants were moved to other regions, e.g. 20% were moved to Saxony. This fact is a proof that the participation of the former terrains of the Reich in the dislocation of the armaments industry is significantly smaller than what was claimed by some historians. The companies were moved not only to the regions that later became part of Poland, but to the whole sphere of influence of the Third Reich. There were many reasons for the dislocation.}, abstract={The most important was ?escaping? the air war, but it was not the only one. Many plans for restructuring the industry and economic development of certain regions of the country also influenced the dislocation policy. Additionally, the interests of the companies themselves were of significant meaning, as they wanted to merge their plants into a more homogenous and effective economic structure.}, abstract={This article presents a thesis that the air war was the main reason for the relocation of the industrial plants during the war. However, in order to understand the above-mentioned issue better, the steps, plans and interests of the economic decision-makers, based on the example of one of the relocated plants, should be taken into account.}, title={Economic Policy and the Movement of Factories in the German Sphere of Influence during World War II (1943/44) - the Role of Lower Silesia and the Eastern German Territories = Polityka gospodarcza i zmiana lokalizacji zakładów w niemieckie j sferze wpływów podczas drugiej wojny światowej - rola Dolnego Śląska i byłych wschodnich terenów Rzeszy Niemieckiej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={czasopismo, czasopismo akademickie, Ziemie Zachodnie, stosunki polsko-niemieckie, pogranicze polsko-niemieckie, historia}, }