@misc{Woźniak_Sylwester_Ojcowie, author={Woźniak, Sylwester}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Activity of Basilians in Ziemia Lubuska, is peculiar, if not surprising. It is a gathering in the Greek Catholic rite. Which is why, it should be associated with the southeastern part of Poland. However, the post-war history caused that the Greek-Catholic Church activity in Poland was not tolerated. So Basilians, in order to survive, had to start operating in the Roman Catholic rite. They arrived to Ziemia Lubuska, so to support the secular clergy, in the area of Gorzow diocese.}, abstract={They permanently settled in a small town - Stare Kurowo, which is situated on the northeast of Gorzow Wielkopolski. The Basilians were working in this town and they did fulfil their obligations, perfectly. Their service continued from 1947 to 1978, and this activity is the example of the way in which, Greek Catholic clergy adjusted to the labour standards in the Roman Catholic rite. This is a case study, which denotes the totality.}, title={Ojcowie bazylianie i ich posługa w Starym Kurowie jako przykład pracy greckokatolickich duchownych w obrządku łacińskim = Basilian Fathers an d their service in Stary Kurów as an example of work of greekcatholic cleric in Latin rite}, type={artykuł}, keywords={czasopismo, czasopismo akademickie, Ziemie Zachodnie, stosunki polsko-niemieckie, pogranicze polsko-niemieckie, historia}, }