@misc{Sochacka_Irena_Przywileje, author={Sochacka, Irena and Partyka, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The privileges bestowed upon the guilds of clothiers and weavers of flax linen in Sorau by the rulers from the Promnitz dynasty constitute a valuable source of knowledge, making it possible to discover the rules governing municipal craft organizations. Beginning with the Middle Ages, the guilds of textile workers were the most influential handicraft organizations in Sorau.}, abstract={The lawmakers, while defining the structure of a weaving organization, training and manufacturing processes, were guided by the tradition and binding legal regulations in most countries in Central Europe. The priority objective of the house of Promnitz?s economic strategy was to organize their estates so that they brought maximum financial benefits, which enabled to satisfy the needs connected with leading a rich court life as well as to implement related investments.}, title={Przywileje żarskich cechów tkaczy płótna lnianego oraz sukienników nadane przez Baltazara Erdmanna oraz Erdmanna II z dynastii Promnitzów = Privileges of Sorau guilds of flax linen weavers and clothiers bestowed by Baltazar Erdmann and Erdmann II from the Promnitz dynasty}, type={artykuł}, keywords={czasopismo, czasopismo akademickie, Ziemie Zachodnie, stosunki polsko-niemieckie, pogranicze polsko-niemieckie, historia}, }