@misc{Karp_Paweł_Sojusznicy, author={Karp, Paweł}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={From 1425 onwards the Hussite field armies crossed the Silesian borders many times and their marches were marked by plunder, fire, depopulation of this wealthy region. The principalities of Lower and Upper Silesia were the part of Bohemian kingdom, but Hussite military expeditions - "glorious raids" as they came to be called - destroy them as same as the neighbouring countries of Germany, Austria or Hungary.}, abstract={Two maior Hussite raids into Silesia (1428, 1430) did not meet with any significant resistance, many of the princes, helplessly watching the successes of invaders, were forced to make a truce. In 1432 leaders of brotherhood Taborites and "Orphants" made a pact with the Polish king, according to which the Hussites pledged themselves to take part in a war against the Teutonic Order in 1433. During war preparations and military expedition, a couple of Silesian princes can be found in the camp of Polish king - Henry of Głogów, John of Żagań, Konrad the White and Konrad of Kąty, although their help was rather limited.}, abstract={Contemporary sources only confirm that prince of Głogów helped the "Orphants" to cross the Odra river and provided them some food and money. The Grand Master of the Order won the support of some princes also. Bishop of Wrocław Konrad and his brother Konrad the Young sent valuable information to Malbork and offered help with hiring mercenaries.}, abstract={Ludwig of Brzeg wanted to fight against Władysław Jagiełło on the Polish-Silesian border but asked to send him money first. Silesian allies of both sides were unable to lend real military support, moreover sincerity of their intentions was quite doubtful. The Hussite wars showed clearly the weakness of the Silesian princes, lack of unity, contradictory interests and action for their own benefit.}, title={Sojusznicy króla czy wielkiego mistrza? Książęta śląscy w obliczu wojny Polski z zakonem krzyżackim w 1433 roku = Allies of the King or the Grand Master? Silesian princes in the face of the Poland ?s war with the Teutonic Order in 1433}, type={artykuł}, keywords={husyci, średniowieczna Polska, zakony rycerskie, Hussites, medieval Poland, the Knights Orders}, }