@misc{Benyskiewicz_Krzysztof_Przeobrażenia, author={Benyskiewicz, Krzysztof}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article entitled is an analysis of the changes taking place in rural communities over the centuries. The basis of the study are the registers of the baptized and the dead kept in the parish consisting of three villages: Nowe Kramsko, Stare Kramsko i Wojnowo. The parish registers were founded there in the early seventeenth century. The records were made by the monks of the Cistercian monastery in Obra. Thanks to the registers we see more views of a long process re-population of the demographic crisis associated with the activities of the Great Northern War.}, abstract={They allow for tracking the procreation trends, to determine the number and gender of the children born and upward and the downward trend in this regard. They also allow for determining the scale of the phenomenon of births out of wedlock, and (in part) infant mortality. Over the 100 years 1274 children were born in the parish of Kramsko, which gives us an average less than 13 births a year. Statistics does not reflect fluctuations in this regard. In the history of the Nowe Kramsko, Stare Kramsko and Wojnowo a considerable span of births from 4 to 29 children a year can be observed.}, abstract={Thanks to the registers, we discover the fashion and tastes when selecting the baby names. During the period considered the most popular names for girls are Marianna and Magdalena, among boys Jan, Maciej and Jozef. The source interpretation of the data resulting from the parish registers requires a confrontation with other documents. Only then, it seems, we can properly assess the causes and consequences of the occurring changes.}, title={Przeobrażenia demograficzne w parafii Nowe Kramsko w latach 1707-1806 w świetle "Ksiąg ochrzczonych i zmarłych" = Demographic transformations in the parish of Nowe Kramsko in the years 1707-1806 in the light of the "Register of the baptized and the dead"}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Nowe Kramsko (pow. babimojski), demografia, księgi ochrzczonych i zmarłych, demography, the books on baptised and dead}, }