@misc{Ochocki_Zbigniew_Dwanaście, author={Ochocki, Zbigniew}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={Jan Dlugosz in his almanacs speaks extensively about the miraculous coming back to life of Peter of Piotrawin [Piotr z Piotrawina]. This exceptional event was supposed to happen due to St. Stanislavus [święty Stanisław]. However, one specific term used by the chronicler makes one ponder and raise speculation, that the author, writing about the unusual episode in the life of the canonized bishop of Cracow, had recalled a miracle play he had experienced.}, abstract={That miracle play was probably the reconstruction of the resurrection of the aforementioned knight. It might have been prepared for variety's sake during the celebrations commemorating the day the XIIIc. clergyman was acknowledged a Saint. The play might even have been presented at the Wawel Castle, which architecture allowed for such a staging at that time. The miracle play was lost in the track of time, although the following sketch is a hypothetical trial of its partial reconstruction.}, title={Dwanaście kroków, czyli mirakl o świętym Stanisławie = Twelve steps or a miracle play about Saint Stanislaus}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Długosz, Jan (1415-1480), Stanisław (św. ok. 1030-1079), mirakl, kronika, chronicles, miracle play, Stanislaus (saint; ca 1030-1079)}, }