@misc{Zbądzki_Jakub_Zaświaty, author={Zbądzki, Jakub}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Instytut Filologii Polskiej}, language={pol}, abstract={The idea of the research is to state how the translation of a poem may influence its interpretation. The excerpt of Lament X [Tren X] by Jan Kochanowski was studied for this purpose. The analysis is focused on the concept crucial to the poem, which is space, side, direction its etymological meaning and philosophical consequences resulting from it. Then, the original text is compared to modern English translations, especially to the unconventional work of Barańczak and Heaney.}, abstract={The comparison is made by using hermeneutic methods in translation studies. The study shows that translation is not separated from the Lament X [Tren X], moreover, it might be helpful in understanding it, hence the interpretation benefits from the translation. As a result, the author suggests a new interpretation of a poem.}, title={Zaświaty - nieistniejące czy niepoznawalne? Tłumaczenie jako zysk interpretacyjny na przykładzie "Trenu X" Jana Kochanowskiego = The afterlife - non-existing or unknowable? The interpretation benefiting from translation. A case study of Jan Kochanowski?s "Lament X" [Tren X]}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Kochanowski, Jan (1530-1584) - twórczość, Treny, hermeneutyka, tłumaczenia, zaświaty, afterlife, translations, hermeneutics}, }