@misc{Walkowiak_Maciej_Znaczenie, author={Walkowiak, Maciej}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper entitled "The significance of the German Eastern Railway during the interwar period 1918-1939 in the geopolitical context" presents the essence of the functioning of the railway in selected key contexts. The starting point is a reflection on Peter Bock's monograph "D 1 Berlin - Königsberg. Im Transit durch Danzig und durch den "polnischen Korridor". This short analysis opens up with a historical overview which takes into account the most important caesura in its history with particular emphasis on the year 1918, which due to deep changes of the geopolitical extent also brought a change in the railway's status in the strategic and strictly political sense. Another important context here is a paradigm of the so-called German East, within which the railway had functioned, and which is highlighted by referring to two significant publications: Fritz Hugo Hoffmann's "Walka o Wschod" [Fighting for the East] (1930) and Karl Thalheim's "Niemiecki Wschód jako zadanie i jako źródło siły" [The German East as an Undertaking and Source of Power] (1936).}, abstract={Furthermore, the paper discusses the functioning of the railway during the interwar period from the perspective of the consequences resulting from the Versailles Treaty. The geopolitical context is here increasingly relevant along with all communications conditions. In this context the role of the conflict zones and areas of cooperation between Poland and Germany are emphasized. The outbreak of the Second World War is diagnosed as an important caesura and marks a change in the essence of the functioning of this railway, which was so important for Germany, whereas the year 1945 - as a definite ending of its existence in its hitherto form. The conclusions highlight the cultural significance of the railway in the geopolitical context, which is of primary importance for this paper, as well as mention the railway's present-day status, in which it barely exists in its former sense.}, title={Znaczenie Niemieckiej Kolei Wschodniej (die deutsche Ostbahn) w okresie międzywojennym (1918-1939) w kontekście geopolitycznym}, type={rozdział w książce}, keywords={historia kolei żelaznej, geopolityka, traktat wersalski, II (druga) Rzeczpospolita, Rzesza Niemiecka, Polska - historia - 1918-1939, history of railroad, geopolitics, Versailles Treaty, German Reich, Second Polish Republic}, }