@misc{Bazuń_Dorota_Nowicjusz, author={Bazuń, Dorota}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article concerns on the situation of beginners in a fitness club. Their motivations can be different but their common aim is doing something with their bodies. They want to get fit and be in a good shape or just to spend time nicely training with the others.These people must overcome their shyness and they need to make themselves acquainted with a new situation. The world of fitness contains new places and new people, unknown names of physical exercises, new customs and rituals as well. Beginners quite often must join unknown groups and meet new instructors.}, abstract={What goes tacitly for persons who practice gym longer is not so simple for the beginners. That is why it is very important the way fitness clubs present information about exercises on their websites. It is also to provide customers with information by fitness clubs? receptionists. The role of the instructors and other participants of training groups is very important too. The article is a case study of beginners? situation in a gym. The data was gathered by using a few tools: a) websites of fitness clubs analysis, b) participant observation, c) in-depth interviews with beginners and d) phone interviews with receptionists. The aim of the article was pointing out main barriers and difficulties in situation of newcomers.}, title={Nowicjusz w świecie klubu fitness = A Beginner in A Fitness Club Centre}, type={artykuł}, keywords={fitness, usługi, ciało, kultura popularna, styl życia, service, body, popular culture, life style}, }