@misc{Grzegorczyk_Milena_Poziom, author={Grzegorczyk, Milena and Kita, Aleksandra}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Health promotion is an essential task for both the health sector and education institutions. Interested in the topic of health members of the Doctoral Student Research Sociology of Health, Disease and Medicine met the research: "The level of knowledge about cancer prevention and health behaviors among the youth on the threshold of adulthood". The article presents selected results from these research, obtained on the basis of the answers given by the students of secondary schools Zielona Gora in the period from May to June 2016.}, abstract={The article also provides an introduction to public perception of the subject of cancer. The authors set themselves the objective recognition of the level of knowledge of youth. Constructed questionnaire, which was completed by 329 students. The responses enabled the analysis of empirical and theoretical reasoning. The results of these analyzes are presented in the present article. As the research showed, the youth is aware of the scale of the incidence of cancer in society, but it is important to continuously deepen this knowledge in school, the family and encourage youth to the individual searching for information in this regard}, title={Poziom wiedzy młodzieży u progu pełnoletności na temat profilaktyki chorób nowotworowych. Prezentacja wybranych wyników z badania = The level of knowledge of youth on the threshold of adulthood on cancer prevention. Presentation of selected results from the research}, type={artykuł}, keywords={profilaktyka, młodzież, edukacja zdrowotna, choroba nowotworowa, badania empiryczne, prevention, youth, health education, cancer, empirical research}, }