@misc{Jaremczuk_Kazimierz_The, author={Jaremczuk, Kazimierz}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={The article is an attempt to recognise the premises of quality in the management process by pointing to the consequences of reducing the description of an employee as a person to only quantitative categories. Focusing on the rational attitude in the management process may lead to creating an ideal image of the employee, who functions in a reality which is created by quantification and operationalisation. A dominant significance of quantitative knowledge means a domination of an unreal image of the person of an employee in the management process. This process may lead to a reification and primacy of the thing over the employee as a person, and therefore to omitting the various potentialities for activity of the subject, whose element is the reality in an organization and its environment.}, title={The significance of the quality and quantity in the management of an organization = Znaczenie ilości i jakości w zarządzaniu organizacją}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zarządzanie organizacją, jakość w zarządzaniu, wiedza ilościowa, ilość, management of organization, quality in the management, quantity in the management}, }