@misc{Jain_Tushar_Model-free, author={Jain, Tushar and Yamé, Joseph J. and Sauter, Dominique}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski}, language={eng}, abstract={The problem of fault tolerant control is studied from the behavioral point of view. In this mathematical framework, the concept of interconnection among the variables describing the system is a key point. The problem is that the behavior we intend to control is not known. Therefore, we are interested in designing a fault accommodation scheme for an unknown behavior through an appropriate behavioral interconnection.}, abstract={Here we deal simply with the trajectories that are generated by the system in real time. These trajectories determine the behavior of a system in various (faulty/healthy) modes. Based on the desired interconnected behavior, only the trajectories that obey certain laws are selected. These laws, representing the desired behavior, can indeed be achieved by a regular interconnection.}, abstract={Thus, when the trajectories do not belong to a certain desired behavior, it is considered to be due to the occurrence of a fault in the system. The vantage point is that the fault tolerant control problem now becomes completely a model-free scheme. Moreover, no explicit fault diagnosis module is required in our approach. The proposed fault tolerance mechanism is illustrated on an aircraft during the landing phase.}, title={Model-free reconfiguration mechanism for fault tolerance}, type={artykuł}, keywords={fault tolerant control, control performance, behavioral theory, switching control}, }