@misc{Kołodziejczyk_Urszula_Water, author={Kołodziejczyk, Urszula}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The Lubin-Głogów Cupriferous Basin is an area of intensive mining exploitation. The four active underground copper mines are: "Lubin", "Polkowice", "Sieroszowice" and "Rudna". In work are characterised topical states of hydrogeological conditions and are showed the directions of further protecting activities against hydrogeological degradation of this region.}, abstract={The mine-works progress, threats of water conditions and deposit's exploitation costs are dependent on the excess of the mineralized mine waters development method. The main purpose of all activities should be prevention of the ground and surface-waters against salinization. In this article drainage methods applied in copper mine and hydrogeological conditions changes caused by mining exploitation and deposit drainage were described.}, abstract={The purpose of research is to show hydrogeological threat which may be result of natural resources exploitation and to point at ways how to counteract these processes. Watering of natural resources deposits is an important economic problem so it requires suitable mining technology and proper water management application. Drainage of mine is most frequently made gravitationally or by mechanical pumping of water from each mine section.}, title={Water management consideration in the Lubin-Głogów Cupriferous Basin = Uwarunkowania wodne eksploatacji miedzi w Lubińsko-Głogowskim Okręgu Miedziowym}, type={artykuł}, keywords={miedź, eksploatacja zasobów naturalnych, Lubińsko-Głogowski Okręg Miedziowy (LGOM), cooper, natural resources exploitation, drainage, water management}, }