@misc{Ostrowski_Piotr_Non-stationary, author={Ostrowski, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The unidirectional non-stationary heat conduction in two-phase hollow cylinder is considered. The conductor is made of two-phase stratified composites and has a smooth gradation of effective properties in the radial direction. Therefore, we deal here with a special case of functionally graded materials, FGM (cf. [6]).}, abstract={The formulation of mathematical model of the conductor is based on the tolerance averaging approach (TAA), cf. [8]. Considerations in this paper are restricted only to the unidirectional nonstationary heat conduction, where on the boundaries are given [phi]-constant or periodic function of heat fluxes q_o = q_o([phi]t), qk = qk([phi]t) for every time period t, and function of initial temperature [...]. The effect of fibres width on the temperature field will be also examined.}, title={Non-stationary heat transfer in two-phase hollow cylinder with functionally graded effective material properties with second kind of boundary conditions = Niestacjonarny przepływ ciepła w przewodniku cylindrycznym z warunkami brzegowymi drugiego rodzaju}, type={artykuł}, keywords={przewodnictwo cieplne, niestacjonarny przepływ ciepła, kompozyt, heat conduction, FGM, composite}, }