@misc{Ciesielski_Mariusz_Numerical, author={Ciesielski, Mariusz and Domański, Zbigniew and Mochnacki, Bohdan}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={In the paper the numerical model of heat transfer in non-homogeneous domain (cast composite) is considered. The composite is formed by the spherical particles (Pb) and the metal matrix (Al). Initial temperatures of components correspond to solid state (particle) and liquid one (matrix).}, abstract={The heat is transferred from the aluminum matrix and absorbed by the lead particle. The 3D problem, i.e. the cubic control volume with single spherical particle located at the center part of the cube, is considered.}, abstract={A numerical algorithm corresponding to the discussed mathematical model of the boundary-initial problem is constructed on the basis of control volume method and some examples of numerical results are shown.}, title={Numerical model of solidification of cast composite with particles = Model numeryczny krzepnięcia kompozytu z cząstkami}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kompozyt, krzepnięcie, model matematyczny krzepnięcia, cast composite, solidification, numerical modelling, control volume method}, }