@misc{Nowogoński_Ireneusz_Peaking, author={Nowogoński, Ireneusz and Ogiołda, Ewa}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={This paper presents the results of dry weather flowrate studies in inflow and outflow channels of overflow structure PB-1. The facility is located in P.Skargi Street in Głogów. Based on the results the average daily peaking factor of dry weather sewage outflow was estimated.}, abstract={Low efficiency of the algorithm allows the estimation of the flow when depth of the channel is less then 20 cm and when it is not possible to perform measurements with the ultrasound probe. Pointed to inadequate reconstruction of cross-sectional shape of the channel during device configuration as the cause of getting inconsistent results.}, abstract={The results of corrective calculations based on Manning's formula and typical crosssections of channels were presented. Obtained results confirm the possibility of significant differences obtained when the channel parameters are configured incorrectly. Confirmed the low quality of the built-in algorithm supporting measurements at low depths, mistakenly called by the device manufacturer ?Manning?s formula method?.}, title={Peaking factors of dry weather flows in Głogów combined sewage system = Współczynnik nierównomierności przepływu pogody bezdeszczowej w kanalizacji ogólnospławnej Głogowa}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kanalizacja ogólnospławna, natężenie przepływu ścieków, współczynnik dobowej nierównomierności, combined sewage system, dry weather flowrate, peaking factor}, }