@misc{Kasztelewicz_Zbigniew_Approaches, author={Kasztelewicz, Zbigniew}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The paper presents the situation regarding the reclamation of post-mining land in the case of particular lignite mines in Poland until 2012 against the background of the whole opencast mining. It discusses the process of land purchase for mining operations and its sales after reclamation.}, abstract={It presents the achievements of mines in the reclamation and regeneration of post-mining land as a result of which-after development processes carried out according to European standards-it now serves the inhabitants as a recreational area that increases the attractiveness of the regions.}, title={Approaches to post-mining land reclamation in polish open-cast lignite mining = Rekultywacja terenów pogórniczych w polskim górnictwie odkrywkowym węgla brunatnego}, type={artykuł}, keywords={kopalnie odkrywkowe węgla brunatnego, rekultywacja, rewitalizacja, zagospodarowanie terenów, lignite open-cast mining, reclamation, revitalisation, land management}, }