@misc{Gałaś_Slávka_Delimitation, author={Gałaś, Slávka}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Delimitation and characterization of areas of conflict are essential to assess suitability of land for different activities carried out in the field of rational land use. In the paper, delimitation of the conflict areas and conflicts categorization in terms of possibility of their overcoming, the scale of the range and the period of their occurrence exemplified by urban - rural commune Stary Sącz have been presented.}, abstract={The software ArcGIS 10.1, the method of maps superimposing and analysis of interactions between different geoenvironmental factors have been applied to obtain the goal of the investigation. Specific geological structure together with morphological and climatic conditions in Stary Sącz commune create ideal conditions for occurrence of con-flict areas on the background of the geological conditions.}, abstract={Accurate and early recognition of these conflicts - existing and potential ones, is a prerequisite for the environmental risk prevention and elimination of its effects through the proper preparation of planning documents and development plans and programs.}, title={Delimitation of areas of environmental conflicts on the background of geological conditions, exemplified by Stary Sącz commune = Delimitacja obszarów konfliktów środowiskowych na tle uwarunkowań geologicznych na przykładzie gminy Stary Sącz}, type={artykuł}, keywords={delimitacja, uwarunkowania geologiczne, obszary konfliktów środowiskowych, konflikty środowiskowe, delimitation, geological conditions, areas of environmental conflicts, environmental conflicts}, }