@misc{Jóźwik_Renata_Modern-day, author={Jóźwik, Renata}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={The article presents the history of transforming one of the oldest places in Hamburg - the Cathedral Square (Domplatz), as well as the influence of historical factors on the conception behind its development. A tumultuous history, especially the consequences of World War II, has led to the diminishment of its historical significance. The undeveloped quarter once occupied by a prehistoric settlement and St. Mary's Cathedral functioned as an urban wasteland and a parking lot for a few decades.}, abstract={Attempts to change this state of things proved unsuccessful. Currently, revitalization works aimed at renewing city centers are being realized more and more often, in order to make them become competitive against the overly developed suburbs and so as to return to the tradition of forming a European city. The green area established in the Cathedral Square in 2009 was to be built-up initially, but owing to the objection of urban communities - conservators, archeologists, politicians, as well as public opinion, such plans were abandoned.}, abstract={The proposed and realized current form of the square reflects the historical background of the city and honors the importance of the location. The article refers the described example to the Recommendation signed in 2011 by the UNESCO General Conference regarding Historic Urban Landscape.}, title={Modern-day public space in the historical context of a city - new development of the Cathedral Square (Domplatz) in Hamburg = Współczesna przestrzeń publiczna w historycznym kontekście miasta - nowe zagospodarowanie Placu Katedralnego (Domplatz) w Hamburgu}, type={artykuł}, keywords={współczesna przestrzeń placu, historyczna tożsamość miejsca, Hamburg, current area of square, historical identity of a location}, }