@misc{Wrana_Jan_Types, author={Wrana, Jan and Jarocka-Mikrut, Aleksandra}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={By presenting Sobiescy Palace in Lublin as well as results of mycological research conducted in the said premises, the authors describe hazards and dangers arising from damp present in historic buildings for a long time. Results of mycological research quoted in this article indicate that differences in levels of damp depend on the cardinal direction a specific wall faces.}, abstract={The authors also pay attention to reasons for which the described premises suffer from damp and provide programmes of treatment and prevention. Furthermore, the article gives the reader a detailed insight into multiple opportunities for improving technical conditions of historic buildings and, at the same time, raising their functional standards. However, one must not forget to treat such premises with proper respect.}, title={Types of moulding and methods of eliminating dry rot in historic buildings: example of Sobiescy Palace in Lublin (based on study by Mirosław Zaród) = Zagrzybienia i metody odgrzybiania obiektów zabytkowych na przykładzie Pałacu Sobieskich w Lublinie (na podstawie opracowania dokonanego przez M. Zaróda)}, type={artykuł}, keywords={Pałac Sobieskich (Lublin), Lublin, zagrzybienia obiektów budowlanych, zawilgocenia, Sobiescy Palace, mould in buildings, damp}, }