@misc{Bering_Sławomira_The, author={Bering, Sławomira and Iżewska, Anna and Mazur, Jacek and Tarnowski, Krzysztof and Treichel, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Laboratory tests were conducted simulating the process of polluting stormwater with fuels and afterwards treating this sewage in the separator of oil derivative substances. The diesel oil - ON and the pure biofuel - BIO 100, available on the market, were the subject of the tests.}, abstract={Depending on the kind of fuel, the differences in the concentration of oil derivative substances in the ?treated? sewage were in the range of several hundred percent. Such big differences show the necessity for examination whether the assumptions accepted while designing separators will also be correct in the case of treating stormwater polluted with contemporary fuels available on the market, includuing biofuels.}, title={The possibilities of treatment of stormwater polluted with bofuels in the lamella oil separator = Możliwości oczyszczania w separatorze lamelowym ścieków opadowych zanieczyszczonych biopaliwami}, type={artykuł}, keywords={ścieki opadowe, biopaliwo, zanieczyszczenia, substancje ropopochodne, separator lamelowy, stormwater, biofuel, oil derivative substances, separators}, }