@misc{Piontek_Marlena_Examination, author={Piontek, Marlena and Lechów, Hanna and Paradowska, Ewa and Nycz, Marta}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego}, language={eng}, abstract={Destruction of facades is a complex process in which technical material changes its properties, and which is caused by depositing biological agents. The examination of biofilms from building facades is difficult because sampling for tests may result in the damage to the structure of the facade's material. Also biological analysis of the material obtained from a biofilm is arduous.}, abstract={Some species of microorganisms are impossible to be isolated and their pure cultures cannot be cultivated in laboratory conditions. It is multispecies cultures that most frequently develop on the surfaces of the facade's technical material. Clustered in a group, they cooperate with each other and reveal different features than single cells.}, abstract={It is essential to identify organisms present in the biofilms, since they may initiate deterioration processes. The aim of the research was the observation of the biofilm, collected from two facades, in a micrometer scale with the see of a scanning electron microscope.}, title={Examination of deteriogenic biofilms on building facades with scanning electron microscopy = Badanie deteriogennych nalotów biologicznych na elewacjach budynków metodą elektronowej mikroskopii skaningowej}, type={artykuł}, keywords={nalot biologiczny, elektronowa mikroskopia skaningowa, SEM, elewacje, biokorozja, biodeterioracja, biofilm, scanning electron microscope, facade, biocorrosion, biodeterioration}, }