@misc{Igielski_Michał_Participation, author={Igielski, Michał}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={For countries of contemporary world which are functional in the global economy, more and more a vision of carrying existing economic assumptions on based on assumptions associated with current functioning is becoming fleeting. Accessing the sustainable development to the route by creating more flexible organizational structures to market hesitations, in the support can turn out to be getting out of such an impasse for many enterprises about high special human capital.}, abstract={Enterprises should aspire to the economy based on the knowledge. Hierarchical organizations about the slender structure are being replaced by sentence structures based on teams of project. This phenomenon is increasing meaning of the specific group of employees which are becoming knowledge workers and in building the competitive position enterprises are acting the greater role.}, abstract={He appears needs for the change of behaviours of employers in the attitude to employees, since depends on them more and more - their knowledge is valuable capital for the company. We must create such conditions for them can share the knowledge for them and all the time form it for the good of the company.}, title={Participation of knowledge workers at the implementation of projects in Polish enterprises = Udział pracowników wiedzy przy realizacji projektów w polskich przedsiębiorstwach}, type={artykuł}, keywords={projekt, zarządzanie projektami, kierownik projektu, zespół projektowy, pracownik wiedzy, project, project management, project manager, team of project, knowledge worker}, }