@misc{Starosta_Anna_Anti-crisis, author={Starosta, Anna}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Zielona Góra: Faculty of Economics and Management Press}, language={eng}, abstract={A growing need to function in a crisis makes enterprises take measures related to the prevention and prediction of crises and when they occur to react quickly. Effective crisis coping requires anti-crisis management. However, it is not always possible to prevent crises; moreover, enterprises are forced to make a number of anti-crisis measures.}, abstract={In general, people took two measures. The first concerns the creation of more transparent procedures and reduction of broadly understood costs. The second one involves concentration on the main activities of the enterprise and the product, its redefining, and improving quality management. This solution points to the implementation of two types of key anti-crisis strategies: organizing activities and consolidation.}, title={Anti-crisis Management Strategies: an Empirical Approach = Strategie zarządzania antykryzysowego - ujęcie empiryczne}, type={artykuł}, keywords={zarządzanie antykryzysowe, działania antykryzysowe, strategie antykryzysowe, anti-crisis management, anti-crisis measures, anti-crisis strategies}, }